how this out-of-shape 50-year-old woman with Hormone imbalances lost 30 pounds in just 12 weeks…

Dear Friend,

Did you know that you can reset your metabolism at any age so you start burning fat like you did in your 20s or 30s?

It’s true.

And over my 20 years of experience as a certified personal trainer I’ve seen how it works.

In fact…

I made this discovery almost by accident when one of my clients lost 30 pounds in just 12 weeks!

Here’s what happened:

how this out-of-shape 50-year-old woman with Hormone imbalances lost 30 pounds in just 12 weeks… Read More »

The Best Time To Work Out If you Want To lose Weight And Burn Off Body-Fat As Fast As Possible…

weight loss exercise timing

Ok… get this… the time you work out has a HUGE impact on how fast you’ll lose weight and burn off body-fat.

And I’m going to share the 3 best times to work out so you can pick the one that fits your schedule the best… and causes you to lose weight (and body-fat) as quickly as possible.

The Best Time To Work Out If you Want To lose Weight And Burn Off Body-Fat As Fast As Possible… Read More »

3 Simple steps to lose 3-5 pounds of fat in the next week!

how to burn fat fast

Hey… how would you like to burn of 3-5 pounds of fat in the next week?

And what if it only took 3 small “tweaks” that you would barely notice?

Well, I’ve got some good news:  I’m about to share 3 simple steps you can do to lose 3-5 pounds of fat – in the next 7 days!

3 Simple steps to lose 3-5 pounds of fat in the next week! Read More »

how to burn of body fat – even while you sleep!

What if I told you there was a way to burn off body fat hour-by-hour – even while you sleep?!

And what if I told you this didn’t require any pills, drugs, dieting, or hardcore workouts?

In fact, all it required was eating MORE… and exercising LESS!

Well, strap in.  Because I’m about to reveal how this is possible… and how you can do it – no matter who you are, how old you are, or how much you weigh!

how to burn of body fat – even while you sleep! Read More »

4 Rules for easy weight loss (the diet industry doesn’t want you to know)

Dear friend,

If you want to lose weight fast… and you’ve tried just about everything but can’t seem to get any results…

Then this is going to be the most important message you ever read!

Here’s why:

I’m about to reveal the 4 rules for easy weight loss that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know.

4 Rules for easy weight loss (the diet industry doesn’t want you to know) Read More »

How the fitness and diet industry is deceiving you! (And why you only need 30 minutes a day to lose 10 pounds a month like clockwork)…

Dear Friend,

You’re being LIED to!

The fitness and diet industry is deceiving you.  And I’m about to prove it.

In fact, I’m about to explain why you only need to exercise 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week.  And you’ll STILL lose 10 pounds a month… and create your dream body!

Here’s the proof:

How the fitness and diet industry is deceiving you! (And why you only need 30 minutes a day to lose 10 pounds a month like clockwork)… Read More »

How to Speed up your Metabolism–and burn fat like a furnace!

boost metabolism

Did you know you can speed up your metabolism?

It’s true.  And it’s actually not that difficult.

Plus, when you do what I’m about to explain, you can actually RESET your metabolism.

Imagine being able to eat like you did in your 20’s and 30’s without gaining weight.  This is possible.  And it just takes a few “tweaks.”

How to Speed up your Metabolism–and burn fat like a furnace! Read More »