Dr. Robert Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications. His work has helped thousands of Nice Guys & Girls transform from being passive, resentful victims to empowered, integrated people.
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Resources Mentioned:
3 Key Points:
- You need to learn how to sooth your own anxiety rather than trying to manage it through other people
- Integrity and boundaries allow you to command respect from others and get more of what you want in life and relationships
- Cooperative Reciprocal Relationships are both necessary and healthy in life. When you understand your CRRs you can begin to have healthy expectations for yourself and others.
Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
- [08:00] – Dr. Glover explains how beliefs form
- Why we all start out as narcissists
- How our parents shape our core beliefs before we can even talk
- [13:50] – Why integrity is the core component for success and respect
- What it means to have integrity
- How integrity allows a man or woman to command respect
- [16:00] – How to set boundaries the right way
- How to create boundaries without being a jerk
- Why boundaries are so critical to ENHANCE a relationship
- [19:00] – Dr. Glover explains the dangers of “Covert Contracts”
- What is a covert contract
- How to know if you make covert contracts
- Why you should do things for you instead of expecting something in return
- [24:12] – What it means to fill your bucket
- [25:33] – Why you probably have toxic shame & how to get rid of it and become your authentic self
- How to get past your mistakes or past experiences that continue to destroy your relationships
- [28:20] – Why most of us try to manage our anxiety through other people, and why that’s a disaster waiting to happen
- How to sooth your own anxiety
- Dr. Glover’s special breathing technique
- [37:14] – Creating Cooperative Reciprocal Relationships
- Dr. Glover explains a special exercise to build and keep all types of relationships in our lives
- Why CRRs are vital for success in life
Awesome Resources!
1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days!
2) The Novo Method Success Pack: Create rapid success by learning how to overcome your mental blocks… then build your best body using my proven nutrition, cardio, and weight training program.