011 – Esther Kiss Get Free Publicity, Brand Yourself & Network with Influences


Esther “Pinky” Kiss is the founder of Born To Influence, a publicity firm specializing in helping experts and personal brands get more publicity, leads and sales. Her clients have been featured on TV, in newspapers, magazines and on some of the top podcasts in the world, resulting in millions of dollars in additional sales. Esther has rubbed elbows with some of the most prevalent people today including Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone,  Ryan Levesque, Tai Lopez, and more! She’s also the producer and host of Born To Influence: The Marketing Show, where she interviews highly successful entrepreneurs and New York Times bestselling about their publicity and marketing strategies.

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Resources Mentioned:

3 Key Points:

  1. Come up with your interesting story and hook
  2. Focus on building relationships with people, not using them as a means to the end… reach out to people, even if you think they’re out of your league
  3. If you want to get on the news, you have to be timely and relevant

Show Notes

**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.

  • [02:16] – Esther shares how she overcame a tough childhood, moving across 6 countries, to become a very successful PR manager
  • [04:08] – Why it’s more important now than ever before to make lasting relationships with people
  • [04:54] – After getting so disgusted with her life, Esther explains how she made the commitment to become successful and took the RIGHT actions after making some poor decisions
    • Esther wanted to be an actress, but ended up failing at that
    • Not knowing where to turn, she did anything she possibly could, including day trading, translating subtitles, and other odd jobs.
  • [08:54] – The pivotal decisions Esther made to make the change in her life, and how she connected with ultra successful people even though she had NO track record
    • Esther explains WHY she decided to seek out super influencers, even though she wasn’t a super influencer
    • She used just a few simple tactics to open doors to the high-level people
    • Going after “low hanging fruit” was key
    • Paying for some Facebook ads helped create an audience
  • [12:42] – Why relationships must be genuine, and never a means to an end
  • [14:08] – Why you don’t have to have a book or millions of followers to get publicity and notoriety
    • You can use your following, but you don’t need it at all
    • Producers and Editors care most about credibility and that you have an interesting story or expertise that’s RELEVENT to their audience (that you create)
    • Online media is slightly different than traditional media
  • [17:22] – How to come up with your story and hook to get on the news
  • [19:15] – Esther shares her publicity checklist
  • [20:20] – What your personal story should include to create and define your brand
  • [22:02] – How to contact and pitch the media
  • [23:51] – Key strategies for effectively getting publicity and building relationships
  • [24: 24] – How to follow up and build rapport
    • How to keep relationships that last
    • Why you might need a mindset shift to successfully create legitimate relationships
  • [26:19] – Key tactics to manage your relationships and stay fresh and connected with people
    • Esther uses her intuition, but for those that don’t have good intuition, you can just reach out to them when you have something to say
    • Don’t force it
  • [30:13] – If you lose touch for years, and want to get back in touch, Esther shares her secret for warming the relationship back up
    • For a more structured approach, you can put follow up reminders on your calendar
  • [32:11] – The key elements that EVERY ultra successful person has in common
  • [34:22] – Esther explains what she would do different if she could do things over again
  • [35:18] – Esther shares the BEST advice she’s ever received
  • [36:30] – The personal habit that allows Esther to be successful
  • [37:36] – Why Esther LOVES Trello for branding and creating content
  • [39:27] – The one book that changed Esther’s life
    • Never eat alone
    • 4,000 questions for getting to know anyone and everyone
  • [40:51] – How to connect with Esther Kiss

Awesome Resources!

1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days!

2) The Novo Method Success Pack: Create rapid success by learning how to overcome your mental blocks… then build your best body using my proven nutrition, cardio, and weight training program.