026: How to Control Your Brainwaves to Create a Peak State of Mind On Command (Using Music) – Dan Clark

Daniel Clark is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO, Brain.fm, an innovative technology company that helps users be more productive through the use of functional music created by composers and artificial intelligence.

Daniel has been in love with technology- and its potential to positively impact the world- for as long as he can remember. From building websites when he was 13, starting a design and advertising business at 18 and driving $2MM in revenue for multinational brands as a director for a boutique ad agency, he has truly been at the forefront of how technology can exponentially grow successful businesses.

One of Brain.fm’s first users, he called the company 12 times before they agreed to bring him in for an interview. When he did receive an offer, he jumped at it (even working for free for the first few weeks). He eventually moved up to Head of Technology, and is now the CEO. As CEO, Daniel is constantly striving to build a company that can not only change the world through music, but also be one of the best companies for people to work for and grow with.

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Resources Mentioned:

3 Key Points:

  1. We now have the technology to create a specific state of mind when we need it…
  2. In order to create a scalable company, you need to prepare the logistics and fundamental components!
  3. The best way to create or develop committed employees is to give them responsibilities and decision making abilities… after you have a very specific conversation with them to lay the foundation!

Show Notes

**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.

  • [01:30] – What “brain.fm” is and how it scientifically allows you to control your brain patterns to create a heightened awareness and increased abilities!
  • [04:42] – How a genius musician accidently created “brain.fm” and how Dan (as CEO) is growing the company to literally change the world and better humanity!
  • [08:35] – What this special system sounds like… and… why you will want to use it as soon as you listen to this!
  • [09:49] – Why this system works on a human evolutionary level! (And why distractions are vital for our life!)
  • [14:23] – The different “mental states” a person can be in… and how brain.fm can give you full control over what mental state you can create!
  • [16:47] – Where you can easily and quickly sample Brain.fm and experience their sample music…
  • [18:46] – How to listen to this “brain music” so it’s the most effective
  • [21:01] – The single most important thing Dan did to get the company off the ground and to create massive traction!
  • [24:09] – The key to creating committed and enthusiastic employees that will scale with the company as it grows!
  • [27:51] – Dan’s secret method for “syncing” employees and laying the proper foundation with them so they share your vision and work synergistically
  • [30:27] – How to use Dan’s simple “bonding” formula to connect with employees, create loyalty and even become a master networker!
  • [32:50] – The 3 pivotal decisions Dan and the company made to expedite growth and spread their message as fast as possible
  • [36:25] – The key to get people to feel comfortable to ask for help when they make a mistake
  • [37:57] – Dan’s NON-cliché advice for building a successful company/life/venture … You’ll never guess what he says!
  •  [40:07] – Why Dan would NEVER give himself advice and why he believes it’s better to take life as it comes
  • [41:08] – Dan’s favorite book – Relentless
  • [41:47] – Dan’s parting piece of advice and how you can connect with him

Awesome Resources!

1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days!

2) The Novo Method Success Pack: Create rapid success by learning how to overcome your mental blocks… then build your best body using my proven nutrition, cardio, and weight training program.