002 – About Quest for the Best with Stu Schaefer

Stu has spent the last 10 years working with thousands of individuals and corporations to create transformations and help others go from ordinary to extraordinary. His work has been so successful, he has appeared on FOX, NBC, and the CW Network, and has been on radio programs across the country.

Stu Schaefer Quest for the Best Podcast

Subscribe to Quest for the Best

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Resources Mentioned:

Key Points:

  1. This show will bring you PROVEN information.
  2. Shows will come out every MONDAY
  3. Each show is about 30 minutes
  4. We’ll be talking with the best experts that have ACTUALLY succeeded.
  5. Subscribe so that you never miss an episode.

 Awesome Resources!

1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days!

2) The Novo Method Success Pack: Create rapid success by learning how to overcome your mental blocks… then build your best body using my proven nutrition, cardio, and weight training program.