220: How to Re-Activate Your Body’s Fat-Burning Mechanism And Lose Weight

If you want you lose weight and keep it off, you need to re-activate your body’s fat-burning mechanism. Here’s how to do this:
Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3
Tip 4

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The Simply Slim Weight Loss Show with Stu Schaefer

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Resources Mentioned:

3 Key Strategies You’ll Discover:

  1. Why diets wreck your body and cause Repressed Metabolic Syndrome (so you can’t burn fat)!
  2. The simple ways to reset your metabolism and re-activate your body’s natural fat-burning mechanism! (We’re all born with this but it shuts down as we get older)
  3. Which diets to avoid because they’ll slow down your body and prevent you from burning fat

Awesome Resources!

FREE Blueprint Reveals The exact formula to Reset Your metabolism & lose 5 pounds in 14 days

weight loss blueprint

2 thoughts on “220: How to Re-Activate Your Body’s Fat-Burning Mechanism And Lose Weight”

  1. I was really intetested in what you had to say. On your first link I got to listen to only 3.04 minutes then it stopped and i could not get it started. So i went to second one the i only got to listen 1.19 minutes. I just gave up. Maybe you could send anothr link. Thanks Bobbi

    1. Hi Bobbi.

      I just listened to all of the episodes – and they played full.

      It’s possible your internet connection was interrupted. You can also use the links next to the picture to listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, etc…

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